Diegetic Sound - sounds added to a scene eg music
Non - Diegetic Sound - sounds that happen naturally in a scene eg footsteps, wind blowing leaves.
Chords - Major - written in a major key, has happy uplifting tone.
Minor - written in a minor key, has a sad, gloomy, morose tone.
Tempo - fast - could walk quickly to make music feel energetic, gives movement/pace
speed moderate - mix of two
slow -dragging feet pace, makes music feel lethargic, boring, energy, locking, sleepy
Dynamics - Loud (fate)-gets viewer attention enhances emotional/mood - makes happy happier etc
volume Quiet (piano) either background noise or used to make viewer focus
Charging - quiet-loud - builds intensity
loud-quiet - clows focus
Opening scene
Chords- minor has a sad vibe, feels creepy, unsettling
Tempo- moderate- feel on edge, walking pace, gives energy
Dynamics- changing- starts quiet, get louder, grabs our attention, builds emotion and intensity
Mouse Circus
Chords- minor - is very upbeat and energetic but minor tone make it feel off/uncomfortable
Tempo-fast - gives us upbeat, wont to move energy,makes the circus feel fun and lively
Dynamics- loud - makes viewer feel hyped up energetic, invited to join in.
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